This Thursday, US AG Eric Holder's imitation of “the sheriff raids the whorehouse,” civil lawsuit against Goldman Sachs will be the trumpeted act by his boss in NYC, but, Mr. Cuomo could steal the show. Here's your script, Mr. Cuomo, you lift your TARP (Toxic Attorneys and Reprobates Protector) protecting the reprobates at Goldman Sachs and you could propose to remedy some of the financial losses of about 1.2 trillion dollars in the Federal TARP (Terrible Assets Removal Program). Although those federal TARP losses were the direct result of your proclamation as HUD Secretary requiring at least 1.2 trillion dollars to be sub prime loans, Mr. Cuomo, you could heroically recover much of those losses after a criminal conviction of Goldman Sachs.
You begin with an immediate indictment,using Penal Law § 190.65 Scheme to defraud in the first degree.1.A person is guilty of a scheme to defraud in the first degree when he or she: (a) engages in a scheme constituting a systematic ongoing course of conduct with intent to defraud ten or more persons or to obtain property from ten or more persons by false or fraudulent pretenses, representations or promises, and so obtains property from one or more of such persons; for your initial Grand Jury presentation and the resulting publicity/adoration. And after obtaining documents used in federal civil action file additional charges against Goldman Sachs as a criminal entity under NY Penal Laws - (460.00 - 460.80) ENTERPRISE CORRUPTION.
Neither Mr. Cuomo nor the NY Times should've been taken in by “the sheriff raids the whorehouse” federal posturing by US AG, Eric Holder, which allows Goldman Sachs to pay millions in civil fines while taking billions in profits. Simple arithmetic with large numbers shows making billions in profits while paying millions in fines is equivalent to a 0.1% tax(penalty) which any business, “corrupt or honest,” would readily pay to get government off their backs.
Mr. Cuomo you could with a NY State criminal action take back a hundreds of times larger percentage of the losses in the federal TARP program from Goldman Sachs.
I hope that you are not lured as in the following quote,”Drudge has a nice big headline about the nearly $1 million that 0bama received as campaign contributions from Goldman Sachs too....Welcome to Chicago, D.C.” Nor should you be swayed by all the Goldman contributions to Senator Schumer and his related campaigns. If you want “The Ring,” you must do what is necessary. Please leave “Chicago Politics" for Chicago. Or you could use this post to shakedown Goldman Sachs for your campaign.
Eric Holder has acted his “the sheriff raids whorehouse” part and could take a 0.1% penalty from Goldman Sachs. What about beginning with a hundred times 0.1% or 10% as your staring heroic act in “The Tale of the Two Cuomo TARPs”?
Part 2 of this post will be tomorrow