Trust in Cuomo's charisma? CuomoTARP updates Financial data relevant to NY Finances and the value of New York State and New York Municipal Bonds.
1.New York Unemployment rises to 8.3%.
2 Less employment means less taxes
Trust in Obama/Geithner/Federal Reserve Bank? Are you fooled by phony low inflation numbers, or do you know gas prices have risen since Obama took office from $1.80 per gallon to $3.31 per gallon (no link needed go to your local gas station). This cost goes through to all other costs by raising the prices of any goods transported to stores.
3. Food prices to increase 5% in December.
4. Treasuries rise and therefore NY Bond rates rise.
Did you miss the Handwriting on the Wall for NY Bondholders at Thanksgiving?
Mene: Count your bond values now
Mene: Count your bond values after the credit rate rises, inflation increases and bond desirability decreases
Tekel: Same as shekel or watch your money
U-Pharsin; Your bond values will be cut in half
Did you miss the Words of the Prophet to bondholders:
Sell now and not cry later
DO You think the Chinese stupid?
What should you do with rising interest rates and holding bond funds or bonds?
or what happens if federal rates rise on municipal or State bonds?
Sell now and re-buy(?) after the NY interest rate doubles or goes even higher; otherwise, you lose at least 50% of your bond fund's value.