Andrew Cuomo didn't learn personal financial profit and shakedown tactics from Eliot Spitzer. Cuomo taught himself while HUD (Housing and Urban Development) Secretary under Clinton. Cuomo exchanged his immature compassion for the poor where he said, "(Cuomo) saw a broken pipe literally spewing human waste on the children's playground," for his later wiser compassionate statement about that same Landlord, Andrew Farkas, "(Farkas) never saw one of the properties he managed,"
Beforehand, it was reported, "The publicity-driven HUD chief (Cuomo)so hyperventilated at press conferences about the (Farkas)scam that a federal judge had to put a stop to all the heavy breathing."
Thereafter, "(Andrew Farkas) ponied up over $2 million for front running attorney general... that includes $1.2 million in salary....paid Cuomo in 2004 and 2005." And "an undisclosed amount Island (Farkas' company) paid Cuomo in 2006"
Beforehand, Cuomo had charged in a federal lawsuit, "Farkas' then company, Insignia Financial Services, of paying $7.6 million in kickbacks to owners of 17 federally subsidized projects that Insignia managed."
Thereafter, Cuomo knew who paid his bills,"Cuomo's earnings tripled when he went to work at Island (Farkas' company)."
Andrew Cuomo had taken a lemon from sewage and changed it into lemonade in a golden cup.
How Cuomo handled public finance, "HUD had lost track of $59 billion"
"In fiscal year 1998, HUD had “undocumentable adjustments” of $17 billion: that is, $17 billion could not be accounted for. In fiscal 1999, HUD announced that it required $59 billion of “undocumentable adjustments” to balance the books and that it would not provide audited financial statements as required by law."
But the "compassionate" Cuomo did not want those taking any of the $59 billion to suffer a government witch hunt and so, "Cuomo did not order the HUD IG to investigate the reason for the missing billions or to try to get the money back."
Cuomo was so proud that he used our $200,000 to tell us about himself, "in the last day of the Clinton administration, HUD spent $200,000 on reports ... promoting then-Secretary Andrew Cuomo's political career."
Causing a petty response from Rep. Robert Ney, R-Ohio, "These funds could have provided an entire year's worth of housing assistance for hundreds of poor families across the country.", thank you, Andrew Cuomo. Your costs were too high.