"Our chosen Shepherd has dressed down and is come among us to teach us about compassion."
"Andrew within his flock"
This follows -up an earlier post, "Andrew Cuomo hopes to fool NY sheeple about Wolf 2, Alan Hevesi, going to jail."
Wolf Pack Guide: Wolf 1 -Andrew Cuomo
Wolf 2 - Comptroller Alan Hevesi
Wolf 3 - State Assemblyman Andrew Hevesi
Wolf 4 - State Senator Daniel Hevesi
Wolf 5 -Comptroller DiNapoli
Under-Wolf 6 - Hank Morris (Under-Wolf = underdog, can go to jail)
With the NY Sheeple bamboozled, Wolf 1, Andrew Cuomo, can now show his true compassion for even an Under-Wolf. And Wolf 1, Andrew Cuomo, thus has minimized his "Show Trial" punishment for Under-Wolf 6. Under-Wolf 6, Henry “Hank” Morris, "would plead guilty to “a minor charge” that carries a maximum sentence of 1 1/3 to 4 years.".
NY Supreme Court Judge Lewis Stone said, “This case is, in this court’s opinion, one of the most important cases relating to corruption in government in the state of New York and perhaps one of the almost seminal cases involving that in the country. There are enormous considerations on this,”
And Wolf 1, Andrew Cuomo, said about the case, "probably the largest political corruption scandal in modern political history." Wolf 6, Hank Morris, faced "77-count indictment, including one charge that carries a penalty of up to 25 years."
But Wolf 1, Andrew Cuomo, allowed a plea down to which, "Morris would plead guilty to 'a minor charge' that carries a maximum sentence of 1 1/3 to 4 years."
The Daily News let the sheeple know after the election that, "there will be a jarring disconnect between his rhetoric before Election Day and the plea bargain that surfaced shortly after he won the race for governor."
To those of you vengeful angry Sheeple: Learn to show compassion; as does your Shepherd, Wolf 1, Andrew Cuomo, who loves his flock; but, also, loves his fellow wolves. Even for an Under-Wolf , who ran the "largest corruption scandal in modern political history," Wolf 1, Andrew Cuomo, shows his true compassion.
Sheeple, thus spake your own chosen Shepherd.
This post is being sent by registered mail to Judge Lewis Stone, AG Cuomo, Laura Birger (a lawyer for Morris), as a Vox Populi Wake up for the Court. The court must also look if any contributions were made by any opposing lawyers in this case to Andrew Cuomo's campaign.
Letter's text: November 8, 2010
Hon. Judge Lewis Stone, 100 Centre Street, NY, NY 10013
Re: Your reputation squandered to cover for Cuomo
Hon. Judge Lewis Stone:
A Vox Populi message about Cuomo's asking for your fig leaf to cover him. CuomoTARP.blogspot.com post copied below, says it all.
Sincerely, Vox of some Sheeple
cc: AG Cuomo, Laura Birger