"But the state attorney general’s office, according to a spokesman, never investigated possible crimes or other violations that might have resulted in disciplinary action against the supervisors who ordered the shredding. The attorney general surely was aware of the allegations; his office defended the state in the lawsuit."
The pattern repeats. Cuomo's staff places the Cuomo TARP over crimes and/or malfeasances by State employees. The Cuomo TARP protects crooked lawyers, crooked judges and crooked State employees. Criminal and reprobate State employees have much to thank Cuomo for.
And a Hymn of Thanksgiving, which can be sung by a Choir of Reprobates in praise of their protector has been written. It's to the tune of "What a friend we have in Jesus."
What a friend we have in Andrew,
all our sins and crimes to bear!
What a relief to not worry
with Andrew in the Attorney General chair!
O what peace we ought to forfeit,
O what pain and jail we ought bear,
but we are spared and protected
with Andrew in the Attorney General chair.
2. Have we trials and lamentations?
Are there indictments anywhere?
We need never be discouraged;
when we pay up with Andrew's Share.
Can we find an Attorney General so faithless
who will forsake the People so?
Andrew forgives our crime and avarice;
when we pay up with Andrew's share.
3. Are we fat and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Andrew, still our refuge;
when we pay up with Andrew's share.
Do the Voters despise and hate us?
Well, we'll pay up with Andrew's share!
In his arms he'll hide and shield us;
we will find our protection there.