What is a trillion dollars? It is one million packages each individually containing a million dollars. Andrew "Gollum" Cuomo's quest for "The Ring," produced more than a trillion dollars in costs. Yesterday's blog post here reported Cuomo had a mere 59 billion missing at HUD which trifles compared to the losses when, "Cuomo required Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy $2.4 trillion in mortgages over a 10-year span, " of which more than 50% were to be sub prime.
Doing the arithmetic for the "financially" challenged Cuomo, 50% 0f 2.4 = 1.2, means he planned only $1.2 trillion in sub prime mortgage devastation.
Thank God, Cuomo's goals described in his press release as HUD Secretary are not yet reached, "CUOMO ANNOUNCES ACTION TO PROVIDE $2.4 TRILLION IN MORTGAGES FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING"
Andrew Cuomo's "Gollum" quest combined with a "silver spoon syndrome" left a wake of financial devastation whose terrible costs were passed on to the People of NY.
All the job losses which funded "Gollum" Spitzer's quest, were then continued by his replacement, "Gollum" Cuomo, which kept billions of dollars from the NY economy and so many jobs out of NY. This is the direct cause of the loss in NY State Income Tax Revenues now afflicting NY and generating the budget crisis. (see 4/10 post on this blog)
If you don't remember a silver spoon in your mouth and a legacy governorship in your pocket, you must keep both "Gollum" Spitzer and "Gollum" Cuomo distant from control of your money or your taxes.
But Cuomo's above reported macro financial malfeasances, are dwarfed in the number of afflicted individuals from his micro malfeasances. Cuomo's used his TARP to hide State-wide Court corruption which devastated so many individuals and our State's economy. Would an honest attorney general cover up and defend a corrupt Chief Judge and Appellate Judge who stole $40 million dollars? Would an honest attorney general cover up and defend the corruption in Westchester Surrogate Court where $250 million dollars is stolen from the heirs of Tom Carvel (ice cream) and distributed among a corrupt cabal of lawyers and judges?
See ExposeCorruptCourts.blogspot.com
I could replace "decency" with "honesty" and ask Andrew Cuomo the same words spoken before Senator McCarthy in 1954, "You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?" But I know the words would fall on the closed ears of "Gollum" entitled to the highest office because he born better than I and is convinced of what is owed to him.