"Hell is empty and all the Devils are here." Shakespeare
Andrew Cuomo has married his "Soul" and "pledged its troth" to a harem of rich crooked lawyers, financiers and others, who likewise sold their souls. Thus pledged, Andrew has serially protected his "harem's reprobates" who've abused and assaulted women.
Andrew, what do you tell your daughters when they hear your protected sex predator in his own words in action on Youtube?
This blog posts showed in "Cuomo can clean sex abuse from his own nest" and Isaac's former legal secretary how Andrew misused his power as Attorney General to protect/defend a well connected lawyer, Allen Issac, from criminal charges and thus acting as an accessory in violation of NY Penal Law § 20.00 Criminal liability for conduct of another. When one person engages in conduct which constitutes an offense, another person is criminally liable for such conduct when, acting with the mental culpability required for the commission thereof, he ... intentionally aids such person to engage in such conduct.
Andrew Cuomo deliberately refrained from his duties under his oath required by the NY Constitution to protect Ms. Esposito from NY Penal Law defined criminal conduct described by investigators as "Felony Level Sexual Abuse, Coercion And Soliciting Sex From His Client, Obstruction of Justice, etc."
In so doing, did Andrew Cuomo deprived Ms. Esposito of a benefit when he knowingly refrained from enforcing the laws of NY in violation of NY Penal Law § 195.00 Official misconduct. A public servant is guilty of official misconduct when, with intent to obtain a benefit or deprive another person of a benefit: 2. He knowingly refrains from performing a duty which is imposed upon him by law or is clearly inherent in the nature of his office.?
But Cuomo's acquiescence to Abuse of Women by NY Government didn't end there. Andrew Cuomo is and was also using NY State money and his office defending, in federal court, a cabal of NY employed crooks and miscreants at the NY Attorney Discipline Committee against a whistle-blower, "Christine Anderson."
In this short video of Christine Anderson's testimony before the NY Senate Judiciary committee note that Ms. Anderson gives only a few examples and there are references to confidential information (not any more). The first person you hear and see is the infamous AEG implicated Senator Sampson, described by an incredulous Inspector General, Fisch, as,."This is Sen. Sampson," [who gave] confidential information to Carl Andrews, a former state senator and AEG lobbyist at the time. Sampson's lack of recall during his interview with investigators was remarkable. "I stopped counting the number of 'I don't recalls' when I reached 100," he said of Sampson's testimony." ,
Why, Andrew, did use use NY State money to defend the physical criminal assaulter of Ms. Anderson in Federal Court? And, why did you use NY State money to protect and defend your other reprobate rich large law firms abusing women as testified to by women at the NY Senate Hearings. Andrew, what do you tell your daughters about your abusing Ms. Esposito, Ms. Anderson and other women by protecting these well connected lawyers?
An e-mail with this blog post will be sent to NY NOW (info@nownys.org) for a response about this serial mistreatment of women as your Official NY Public Policy or had NOW provided indulgences for you and your "friends"? NOW's response will be published here, or if NOW chooses, in the comments.
Coming: A multitude of crimes in Federal Court testified to by Ms. Anderson and others which was covered -up and defended by Andrew Cuomo.
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