June 27, 2011
To: Harry Reid, Majority Leader; Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader; John A. Boehner, Speaker; Eric Cantor, Majority Leader; Darrell Issa,Chair House Oversight and Government Reform; Lamar Smith, Chair House Judiciary; Patrick J. Leahy,Chair Sen. Judiciary; Charles E. Grassley,Sen. Judiciary; Paul Ryan, Chair House Budget; Harold Rogers,Chair House Appropriations; Kent Conrad, Chair Sen. Budget; Jeff Sessions, Sen. Budget; Daniel K. Inouye,Chair Sen. Appropriations; Thad Cochran,Sen. Appropriations; Tom Harkin, Chair Sen. Health; Michael B. Enzi,Sen. Health; Chris Van Hollen, House Budget; Spencer Bachus,House Financial Services; Barney Frank, House Financial Services; Max Baucus,Sen. Finance;Chuck Grassley, Sen. Finance
Re: Saving $2 trillion dollars over ten years or $200 billion a year, without harming poor beneficiaries and eliminating fraud. Witnesses and documentation available for quick action.
Dear Congress:
A chance to save $2 trillion dollars over ten years without harming any needy beneficiaries of Medicaid. A quick action on a Medicaid funding change would save federal taxpayers $200 billion a year without affecting services to present beneficiaries and would eliminate massive fraudulent billing of Medicaid. In addition, it would save NY local taxpayers $32 billion dollars spent matching fraudulent NY State Medicaid claims.
Medicaid Block Grants can be enacted with payments at the same average present rate for all States. In NY State, the major beneficiary of Medicaid fraud is NY State itself. Andrew Cuomo, who was NY Attorney General litigating these frauds, is aware of the fraud perpetrators in NY State.
Eric Holder, 18 years ago as DOJ Attorney for the District of Columbia in 1994, obtained a refund of $26.97 million dollars from NY State. But, Holder has been unable to make any progress for the last two years on the massive NY Medicaid fraud. NY State's twenty year spree of stealing from the Medicaid trough can be ended with block grants which will save $200 billion a year in federal expenditures or $2 trillion dollars over ten years. And, a side effect would save DOJ expenditures litigating against NY State. A prodigal NY State could then straighten out its own corruption. Other States with honest dealings, such as California, will receive increases.
Witnesses and documentation are available for immediate hearings and action. Below are links to my blog where additional information is available, specifically involving NY Medicaid fraud and its costs.
Sincerely yours,
Links to further data:
1. Congress Is Informed Of NY Medicaid Corruption Results in Death And Beatings
Copy of letter sent: June 10, 2011
2. Congress Asked To Seek Special Prosecutor For Multi-Billion Dollar NY Medicaid Fraud By State Employees
Copy of letter May 23, 2011
Letter to Congress: BY FAX 5/12/2011
4. News Reports Of NY Medicaid Excesses And Block Grants Will Sink Cuomo's Budget Into $32 Billion Dollar Default.
"New York spent $2,903 per person on Medicaid in 2010 — a third more than any other state. The U.S. average is $1,364. Nevada spent the least: $666 per person."
5. Three Billion Dollar Medicaid Fraud By New York State In Cuomo Budget Sent To Congress For Oversight And Demand That Eric Holder Be Replaced By Special Prosecutor
Copy of letter sent: April 13, 2011Re: Multi-billion dollar fraud: Special Prosecutor required for the Major Criminal Fraud by NY State officials and others taking billions of dollars a year in federal Medicaid funds. Eric Holder and the NY Offices of the US Attorney have failed to prosecute and obtain refunds. Holder has an 18 year history of covering up for Andrew Cuomo when billions of dollars are missing. Congressional oversight of the Justice Department is needed. Congress must end misappropriations and deduct past fraudulently obtained funds from present appropriations. Block grants would shift policing to the State.
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